If you would like your child or children to come to one of our schools, we would be very happy for you to apply.
At Sheerness West Federation we follow the KCC policy on school’s admission arrangements. This can be found on our policy link in our policies section, and on our individial school admission pages. This outlines the information for over subscription and an explanation of the process parents need to follow if they want to apply for their child to attend the school.
You can collect an application form from the school office or you can download one by clicking here. Once returned to the school office your application will be processed in accordance with the KCC schools admission policy. We will let you know if your application has been successful, by post.
Please contact Mrs N Poppe at the Rose Street office (01795 663012 or email, or Mrs J Gibbs at the West Minster office (01795 662178 or email, if you have any questions about this.
Applications for a Nursery place are made via each individual school office. The child is placed on a waiting list and parents are contacted prior to being offered a place for September or January admissions.
We understand that sometimes you would like to visit the school before you make a decision on your preference of school. Please look out on our individual school website pages for details of Open Days.
We look forward to meeting you soon.